Friday 30 November 2012

Al Aleem

Al - 'Aliim (All-Knowing) 

"And if they incline to peace, then incline to it [also] and rely upon Allah . Indeed, it is He who is the Hearing, the Knowing"

Al-'Alim: The Knowledgeable; The One nothing is absent from His knowledge.
Asma Allah Whoever read this on a regular basis as much as 100 times after every prayer fardhu, then he will gain the ability to see things - certain things that escaped the attention of people and have strong faith. In addition, his heart would be filled with ma'rifatullahi (knowing God).
 If someone melazinkan read Asma Allah is as much as 150 times each heart, thinking and understanding will undoubtedly increase.
(With love and His mercy, God gives what is stayed by his servant, regardless of faith or disbelief. If you want this world you will get it. If you want eternal life in the hereafter, you will get it)