Friday 30 November 2012

Al Ghafur

Al - Ghafuur (Oft-Forgiving, Most Forgiving)
Say, "O My servants who have transgressed against themselves [by sinning], do not despair of the mercy of Allah . Indeed, Allah forgives all sins. Indeed, it is He who is the Forgiving, the Merciful."(Quran, 39:53).

Al-Ghafur: The One who forgives a lot.
If a person feels guilty and therefore felt heavy in his heart, by reading yaa Ghafuur 100 times after Friday prayers, his suffering will disappear, and if Allah willed, He would forgive the sin.

 Those who regularly read this then Asma Allah havoc and grief will stay away from him, God willing.
Besides, Allah SWT will give blessing on his wealth and offspring.
 People who say as many as three times yaa Rabb Al-Ghafuur Aghfirli when prostrate then Allah will forgive his sins of the past and future.
 Asma Allah Whoever wrote this on people who are sick of fever, the patient's undoubtedly going to be fine.
 Whoever wrote Sayyidul - istighfaar then remove them with water and diminumkannya to people in difficulty in the face of death so that his tongue hard to say the word - the word, it will breathe easier when the person concerned-death.
This has been tried by many people and work well.