Wednesday, 12 December 2012

A Letter to Harith bin Abi Shamir Al-Ghassani, King of Damascus

A Letter to Harith bin Abi Shamir Al-Ghassani, King of Damascus
"In the Name of Allah(subhana hu watala), the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.From Muhammad, Messenger of Allah(subhana hu watala) to Al-Harith bin AbiShamir.Peace be upon him who follows true guidance, believes in it andregards it as true. I invite you to believe in Allah(subhana hu watala) Alone with noassociate, thenceafter your kingdom will remain yours."
Shuja bin Wahab had the honour of taking the letter to Harith, whoupon hearing the letter read in his audience, was madly infuriated anduttered: "Who dares to disposs me of my country, Il fight him (theProphet)," and arrogantly rejected the Prophets(pbuh) invitation to the foldof Islam.[Za'd Al-Ma'ad 3/62; Muhadarat Tareekh Al-Umam Al-Islamiyah 1/146]