Lesson No 14
Q. Which day is the Day of Judgment?
Ans. The Day of Judgment is the day when all human beings and living souls shall die, the entire world shall perish, the mountains shall blow like cotton puffs, the stars shall disintegrate and fall down, and almost all the objects shall be reduced to nothingness.
Q. How shall all humans and living souls die?
Ans. Hadrat Israfil (peace be upon him) shall blow the trumpet. Its sound shall be so horrid and horrible that no one shall survive the shock and all the things shall break into pieces, and perish.
Q. When will there be the Day of Judgment?
Ans. The Day of Judgment is predetermined. But its exact time no one knows except Allah. We, however, do know that it shall be on Friday the 10th of Muharram. Hadrat Muhammad (peace be upon him) has told us of some signs by which to recognize the approach of the Day of Judgment.
Q. What are the sings of the Day of Judgment?
Ans. Hadrat Muhammad (peace be upon him) has pointed out that when:
1). there is abundance of sin;
2). disobedience to parents and harsh treatment to them is rampant;
3). trusted deposits are tampered with;
4). there is abundance of singing, dancing and rivalries;
5). younger generations begin to abuse their forefathers;
6). the uneducated or the ill-educated become leaders;
7). shepherds and lowly placed persons begin to build lofty buildings; and
8). incompetent persons come to hold high offices,
then it may be presumed that the Day of Judgment is near.