Monday, 10 December 2012

An Introduction to Second Pillar of islam

     An Introduction to Second Pillar of islam
 Hadhrat Abdullah bin Mas’ood (Radhi allahaon ho) says:
“Once, I inquired of the Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam), which act (of man) was the dearest to Allah. The Prophet replied, ‘salaat’. I then inquired which act came next (in order of merit) and the Prophet replied, ‘Kindness to parents’. I again asked what was next and he answered ‘Jihaad’.”
Mulla Ali Qari (Rahmatullah alaih) has quoted this Hadith in support of the belief that salaat is the most important religious duty after Imaan. This is further corroborated by a hadith, in which the Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) is reported to have said:
“Salah is the best of all that has been ordained by Allah.”
Salah is the Second pillar of islam
Salah is the daily ritual prayer enjoined upon all Muslims as one of the five Pillars of Islam.  It is Faradz performed five times a day by all Muslims.
Verses abut salah in quran 

وَأَقِيمُواْ الصَّلاَةَ وَآتُواْ الزَّكَاةَ وَارْكَعُواْ مَعَ الرَّاكِعِينَ

Waaqeemoo alssalata waatoo alzzakata wairkaAAoo maAAa alrrakiAAeena

and be constant in prayer, and spend in charity and bow down in prayer with all who thus bow down

Salah is an act of Worship It is very special. It has no equal. It has no alternative. Salah is a practical sign of obedience to the commands of Allah. It is the practical proof of our faith in Allah and Islam.
Salah is a direct contact or link between the worshipper and Allah with no earthly intermediaries. It is the Me’raaj of a Mo’min.
                                                                       More about Salah click here