Wednesday, 19 December 2012

HADHRAT IMAAM ABU HANIFAH(rahmatullah alayh)

HADHRAT IMAAM ABU HANIFAH(rahmatullah alayh)
1. Hadhrat Imaam Abu Hanifah Nu'min Bin Thaabit (rahmatullah alayh) was a Taabi-ee. Illustrious Auliyaa such as Fuzail Bin Iyaaz, Ibraahim Bin Adham, Bishr Haafi and Dawood Taai (rahmatullah alayhim) were among his students.
2. It is narrated that when Imaam Abu Hanifah presented himself at the Raudha-e-Mubaarak (the Holy Grave) of Rasulullah ( صلى الله عايه وسالم) he recited:
(Insert Arabic Assalaamu Alayka ya Sayyidul Mursaleen)
"Salaam on you, O Leader of the Ambiya!"
the reply from within the Holy Sepulchre came:
(Insert Arabic Wa Alaykas salaam ya Imaamul Muslimeen)
"And Salaam on you, O Imaam of the Muslims!"

3. Once Imaan Abu Hanifah dreamt that he was exhuming the bones of the holy body of Rasulullah ( صلى الله عايه وسالم) and sorting them out. He woke up full of fear. He asked Ibn Sireen, the famous interpreter, for the interpretation of his dream. Ibn Sireen said: "Congratulations! In the knowledge of Hadith you will attain the ability of distinguishing between Saheeh (authentic) and Maudhu' (fabricated) ahaadith."
4. In a dream, Rasulullah ( صلى الله عايه وسالم) informed: "O Abu Hanifah! Allah has created you to revive my Sunnah. Do not adopt seclusion."
5. Once Imaan Abu Hanifah attended a Janaazah. It was an extremely hot day. The only shade in the vicinity was the shadows of a wall. However, Imaam Abu Hanifah remained standing in the blazing sun. When people insisted that he stand in the shade, he said: "The owner of the house is my debtor. It is not permissible for me to derive any gain from him because the Hadith says: "The benefit produced by every qardh (loan given) is ribaa."
6. Initially it was Imaam Abu Hanifah's practice to perform 300 raka'ts every night. One day while walking in the street he overheard someone telling another person: "He performs 500 raka'ts every night." Henceforth he increased his nightly practice to 500 raka'ts.
7. Once Imaan Abu Hanifah honoured a wealthy man on account of his worldly rank. To compensate for this error Imaam Abu Hanifah recited the Qur'aan Shareef a thousand times.
8. When a difficult mas'alah (Deeni question) confronted him and there appeared to be no solution, Imaam Abu Hanifah would recite the Qur'aan Shareef 40 times. By the barkat of this recital, the Mas'alah would be solved.
9. Commenting of the adab (respect) of Imaam Abu Hanifah, Hadhrat Dawood Taai said that in 30 years he never saw Imaam Abu Hanifah stretching his legs or removing his headgear, neither in public nor in seclusion. When Dawood Taai asked the reason for such respect even in seclusion, Imaam Abu Hanifah said:
"How can I respect people in public and be disrespectful to Allah Ta'ala in seclusion?"

10. There was a wealthy man who had a great aversion for Hadhrat Uthmaan (رضئ الله عنه ). He even branded Hadhrat Uthmaan (رضئ الله عنه ) a Yahoodi. Imaam Abu Hanifah sent for him and said: "I wish to arrange your daughter's marriage to a (certain) Yahoodi." The man, greatly annoyed, exclaimed: "How can you utter such a notoriety while you are the Imaam? This is not permissible." Imaam Abu Hanifah said: "Your opinion in this matter is of no significance. Rasulullah ( صلى الله عايه وسالم) , himself gave two of his daughters in marriage to a 'Yahoodi'." The Yahoodi understood and repented. Two daughters of Rasulullah ( صلى الله عايه وسالم) on different occasions were married to Hadhrat Uthmaan (رضئ الله عنه ).
11. In a dream Hadhrat Yahya Muaaz Raazi (rahmatullah alayh) asked Rasulullah ( صلى الله عايه وسالم) : "Where should I search for you, O Rasulullah?" Nabi-e-Kareem ( صلى الله عايه وسالم) said: "Search for me by the knowledge of Abu Hanifah."
12. A man who frequently sat in Imaam Abu Hanifah's company asked for a loan of a large sum to relieve him of his financial distress. Imaam Abu Hanifah advanced the loan. The man promised to repay the loan on a certain date. On due-date he was unable to pay. Feeling ashamed, he no longer visited Imaam Abu Hanifah. Although Imaam Abu Hanifah wondered at the absence of his friend, he could not understand the reason. Imaam Abu Hanifah had forgotten about the loan and the friend's promise.

One day after Salaat, Imaam Abu Hanifah decided to confront the man to ascertain the reason for his aloofness. When the man saw Imaam Abu Hanifah approaching, he turned and quickly walked away. Imaam Abu Hanifah followed. When the man saw Imaam Abu Hanifah following him, he broke into a run in order to escape. Imaam Abu Hanifah also ran after him. When the man realised that Imaam Abu Hanifah was nearing him, he hid his face in his hands in shame, facing the wall of a building. Imaam Abu Hanifah lightly placed his hands on the man's shoulders and asked the reason for his peculiar behaviour. Highly embarrassed, the man explained his inability to repay the loan. Now Imaam Abu Hanifah recalled the loan he had given. He took the man home and gave him a similar large sum to pay his debts.