(rahmatullah alayh)
1. Prior to his reformation and entry into the Path of tasawwuf, he was intensely in love with a beautiful slave-girl. His love for her continued for a great length of time. Once during a winter night, he stood near her home in the hope of seeing her. He stood waiting the entire night until the morning, but in vain. In the morning he was smitten by remorse for having wasted the night. He said to himself: "If I had spent the night in worshipping Allah, it would have been a thousand times better than what I have done."
Allah's fadhl opened up his heart. His perishable love was replaced by Divine Love. He repented and engrossed himself in Allah's remembrance.
2. Once his mother went out searching for him. She found him sleeping in an orchard near a rose tree. A snake was fanning him with a branch from a Nargis (Narcissus) tree.
3. His practice was to go for Hajj one year, Jihaad the next year and trade the third year. He would contribute the profit of his trade to the poor and needy.
4. Once Abdullah Bin Mubaarak borrowed a pen, but forgot to return it. When is occurred to him to return the pen, the owner has already left for the land of Shaam. Abdullah Bin Mubaarak journied to Shaam to deliver the pen.
5. Once while he was walking along the road the people told a blind man: "Ibn Mubaarak is approaching. Ask him whatever you wish."
The blind man stopped Ibn Mubaarak and begged him to make dua for the recovery of his vision. As a result of Ibn Mubaarak's dua, the blind man regained his vision.
6. Once on a Hajj journey, Ibn Mubaarak strayed off the path in the wilderness. He was delayed so long that he concluded that he would be unable to reach Arafaat in time as there remained only four days. Suddenly he saw a very old and weak lady who said: "Come with me. I shall take you to Arafaat."
He accompanied her. Ibn Mubaarak explains: "I went with her. Whenever a river appeared she instructed me to close my eyes. I would close my eyes. I would perceive myself walking on the water. On her instruction I would open my eyes to discover ourselves on the opposite bank of the river. Soon we reached Arafaat."
After Hajj the old lady said: "Come with me to meet my son. He has been worshipping in a cave for many years." When they reached the cave, Ibn Mubaarak saw a young man. His body was like a rake, but his face was glittering. The young man said:
"I know that my Maut is to take place, hence Allah Ta'ala sent you to give me ghusl and bury me." As he spoke, his soul departed. Ibn Mubaarak gave him ghusl and after Janaazah Salaat buried him. The old lady instructed Ibn Mubaarak: "Now go. I shall spend my life at the graveside of my son. When you come next year, you will not find me. But, always remember me in your dua."
7. Once after completing Hajj, Ibn Mubaarak fell asleep by the Ka'bah. In a dream he saw two Angels. The following conversation took place between the Angels:
First Angel: "How many people had performed Hajj this year and how many had their Hajj accepted?"
Second Angel: "Six hundred thousand persons performed Hajj, but not a single Hajj has been accepted. However, in Damascus there is a shoemaker, Ali Bin Muwaffiq. Although he did not come for Hajj, his Hajj has been accepted and for his sake Allah Ta'ala has accepted everyone's Hajj."
On waking, Ibn Mubaarak was very surprised. He set off for Damascus to investigate. On arrival he met the shoemaker who presented the following narration to Ibn Mubaarak:
"I am a shoe-repairer. For many years it was my heart's desire to perform Hajj. After a long time I had managed to save 300 dirhams. I therefore resolved to perform Hajj this year.
One day we perceived the fragrance of food cooking in our neighbour's home. My wife told me to ask the neighbour for some of the food. When I approached my neighbour he said: 'Brother, the food we have cooked today is not lawful for you. We have been starving for the past seven days. Today I saw a dead ass. I cut some of its flesh which we have cooked today.'
The shoemaker said: "My heart shivered with fear of Allah Ta'ala. I gave him the 300 dirhams which I had saved."
Ibn Mubaarak narrated his dream to the shoemaker and added: "The Angel spoke the truth."
8. Once while Abdullah Ibn Mubaarak was walking in the road, he met a Sayyid who said: "Why do you have a superior rank than me although I am a Sayyid?" Ibn Mubaarak said: "Most assuredly, your father is Rasulullah (b) and my father was astray. Your father left the estate of Hidaayat (Guidance) which I acquired. It is for this reason that I received this rank. My father left the estate of deviation which you acquired. It is for this reason that you hold no rank."
That same night, in a dream Ibn Mubaarak saw that Rasulullah (b) was annoyed. When he asked for the reason, Rasulullah (b) said: "Why did you find fault with my children?" Ibn Mubaarak awoke and set off to meet the Sayyid. Meanwhile, Rasulullah (b) appeared to the Sayyid as well and said: "If your deeds were noble, Abdullah would not have disgraced you." The Sayyid too set off to meet Abdullah Ibn Mubaarak. Both met in the road. After narrating their dreams, both repented.
9. Hadhrat Suhail (rahmatullah alayh) frequently visited Abdullah Bin Mubaarak. One day while leaving Ibn Mubaarak's home, Suhail said: "In future I shall not come to your house. The young girls in your home were teasing: 'Come to us Suhail! Come to us Suhail!', I detest this." Ibn Mubaarak proclaimed outside: "People, come perform the Janaazah Salaat of Suhail." Then Suhail died. When the people asked Ibn Mubaarak to explain how he knew of Suhail's imminent death, he said:"Suhail said today that young girls in my house were calling him. There are no young girls in my home. The Houris of Jannat were calling him. That was a sign of his imminent death."
10. One day Abdullah Ibn Mubaarak was travelling in the border territory of Byzantine. He came across a crown of people severely beating a man who was shackled. I went up to him and asked him for an explanation. He said: "According to our religion, it is not permissible to mention the name of our chief idol as long as one has not been purified of sins. I committed the error of taking its name without having been purified of my sins. I am therefore being punished. I also cannot cry because I fear the great idol."
Ibn Mubaarak commented: "Shukr unto Allah. Allah bestowed to me that religion in which a sinner is purified of sins by mentioning the Name of Allah. When he acquires Ma'rifat of Allah fully, he adopts silence."
11. Once during Jihaad, Ibn Mubaarak was engaged in combat with a kaafir. When it was time for Salaat, he sought permission from the kaafir to disengage until he ahd performed Salaat. The kaafir agreed and Ibn Mubaarak performed his Salaat. After Salaat the duel resumed. When it was the kaafir's prayer time, he sought Ibn Mubaarak's permission to say his prayers. Ibn Mubaarak agreed. While the kaafir was worshipping an idol, Ibn Mubaarak became enraged and decided to kill the kaafir forthwith but he heard a Voice reprimanding: "Beware! Think of the aayat: 'Honour promises. Verily, (you) will be questioned (in Qiyaamah) about promises.'
Ibn Mubaarak wept. When the kaafir completed his prayers, he asked Ibn Mubaarak the reason for weeping. Ibn Mubaarak explained. The kaafir said: "It is dishonourable not to worship a God who becomes annoyed with even His friend for the sake of an enemy." The kaafir then embraced Islam.
12. Ibn Mubaarak narrated:"I saw a man wanting to enter the Ka'bah. As he attempted, he fell down unconscious. On reviving, he recited Kalimah Shahaadat. When I asked him for an explanation, he said: "I was a fire-worshipper. I disguised myself to see what is in the Ka'bah. As I was about to enter, a Voice reprimanded: 'You are the enemy of a Friend. How can you enter the House of the Friend?' I then embraced Islam with a true heart."
13. People asked: "What is most beneficial for a man?"
Ibn Mubaarak: "Perfect intelligence."
People: "If he lacks perfect intelligence?"
Ibn Mubaarak: "Beautiful manners."
People: "If he lacks beautiful manners?"
Ibn Mubaarak: "Seeking advice from a kind brother."
People: "If he has no such brother?"
Ibn Mubaarak: "Then silence."
People: "If he is unable to remain silent?"
Ibn Mubaarak: "Then death is best for him."
14. Ibn Mubaarak said:
"Giving one dirham as Qardh-e-Hasnah is more meritorious than giving a thousand dirhams in charity."
Qardh-e-Hasnah means a beautiful loan, i.e. giving a loan to a person in difficulty and not pressing him for repayment.
"A man who takes even a shell from haraam wealth cannever be a mutawakkil (i.e. one who has tawakkul)."
"Tawakkul does not negate effort to earn. Both tawakkul and effort are acts of worship."
"Man tolerates disgrace in the pursuit of all worldly things."
"Piety brings a man in the protection of Allah."
"The reward of caring for one's wife and children and teaching them the Deen is greater than the reward of Jihaad."
"Behave humbly with those who occupy a lower level than you here on earth."
15. Before he died, Ibn Mubaarak gave all his wealth in the path of Allah. A mureed reminded him that he had three daughters and should leave something for them. Ibn Mubaarak said:
"I have left Allah for them. When Allah is the maintainer of a person, he has no need of Abdullah."
16. In his last moments, he opened his eyes, smiled and recited the Qur'aanic aayat:

"For the likes of this should people strive."
He closed his eyes and departed from this worldly abode.
17. Someone who saw Hadhrat Sufyaan Thauri in a dream asked: "How did Allah Ta'ala deal with you?" Sufyaan said: "Allah Ta'ala forgave me." When asked about the fate of Abdullah Ibn Mubaarak, Sufyaan Thauri said:"You ask about him? Allah has included him in that group of His devotees who are daily admitted twice into the Divine presence."
Allah's fadhl opened up his heart. His perishable love was replaced by Divine Love. He repented and engrossed himself in Allah's remembrance.
2. Once his mother went out searching for him. She found him sleeping in an orchard near a rose tree. A snake was fanning him with a branch from a Nargis (Narcissus) tree.
3. His practice was to go for Hajj one year, Jihaad the next year and trade the third year. He would contribute the profit of his trade to the poor and needy.
4. Once Abdullah Bin Mubaarak borrowed a pen, but forgot to return it. When is occurred to him to return the pen, the owner has already left for the land of Shaam. Abdullah Bin Mubaarak journied to Shaam to deliver the pen.
5. Once while he was walking along the road the people told a blind man: "Ibn Mubaarak is approaching. Ask him whatever you wish."
The blind man stopped Ibn Mubaarak and begged him to make dua for the recovery of his vision. As a result of Ibn Mubaarak's dua, the blind man regained his vision.
6. Once on a Hajj journey, Ibn Mubaarak strayed off the path in the wilderness. He was delayed so long that he concluded that he would be unable to reach Arafaat in time as there remained only four days. Suddenly he saw a very old and weak lady who said: "Come with me. I shall take you to Arafaat."
He accompanied her. Ibn Mubaarak explains: "I went with her. Whenever a river appeared she instructed me to close my eyes. I would close my eyes. I would perceive myself walking on the water. On her instruction I would open my eyes to discover ourselves on the opposite bank of the river. Soon we reached Arafaat."
After Hajj the old lady said: "Come with me to meet my son. He has been worshipping in a cave for many years." When they reached the cave, Ibn Mubaarak saw a young man. His body was like a rake, but his face was glittering. The young man said:
"I know that my Maut is to take place, hence Allah Ta'ala sent you to give me ghusl and bury me." As he spoke, his soul departed. Ibn Mubaarak gave him ghusl and after Janaazah Salaat buried him. The old lady instructed Ibn Mubaarak: "Now go. I shall spend my life at the graveside of my son. When you come next year, you will not find me. But, always remember me in your dua."
7. Once after completing Hajj, Ibn Mubaarak fell asleep by the Ka'bah. In a dream he saw two Angels. The following conversation took place between the Angels:
First Angel: "How many people had performed Hajj this year and how many had their Hajj accepted?"
Second Angel: "Six hundred thousand persons performed Hajj, but not a single Hajj has been accepted. However, in Damascus there is a shoemaker, Ali Bin Muwaffiq. Although he did not come for Hajj, his Hajj has been accepted and for his sake Allah Ta'ala has accepted everyone's Hajj."
On waking, Ibn Mubaarak was very surprised. He set off for Damascus to investigate. On arrival he met the shoemaker who presented the following narration to Ibn Mubaarak:
"I am a shoe-repairer. For many years it was my heart's desire to perform Hajj. After a long time I had managed to save 300 dirhams. I therefore resolved to perform Hajj this year.
One day we perceived the fragrance of food cooking in our neighbour's home. My wife told me to ask the neighbour for some of the food. When I approached my neighbour he said: 'Brother, the food we have cooked today is not lawful for you. We have been starving for the past seven days. Today I saw a dead ass. I cut some of its flesh which we have cooked today.'
The shoemaker said: "My heart shivered with fear of Allah Ta'ala. I gave him the 300 dirhams which I had saved."
Ibn Mubaarak narrated his dream to the shoemaker and added: "The Angel spoke the truth."
8. Once while Abdullah Ibn Mubaarak was walking in the road, he met a Sayyid who said: "Why do you have a superior rank than me although I am a Sayyid?" Ibn Mubaarak said: "Most assuredly, your father is Rasulullah (b) and my father was astray. Your father left the estate of Hidaayat (Guidance) which I acquired. It is for this reason that I received this rank. My father left the estate of deviation which you acquired. It is for this reason that you hold no rank."
That same night, in a dream Ibn Mubaarak saw that Rasulullah (b) was annoyed. When he asked for the reason, Rasulullah (b) said: "Why did you find fault with my children?" Ibn Mubaarak awoke and set off to meet the Sayyid. Meanwhile, Rasulullah (b) appeared to the Sayyid as well and said: "If your deeds were noble, Abdullah would not have disgraced you." The Sayyid too set off to meet Abdullah Ibn Mubaarak. Both met in the road. After narrating their dreams, both repented.
9. Hadhrat Suhail (rahmatullah alayh) frequently visited Abdullah Bin Mubaarak. One day while leaving Ibn Mubaarak's home, Suhail said: "In future I shall not come to your house. The young girls in your home were teasing: 'Come to us Suhail! Come to us Suhail!', I detest this." Ibn Mubaarak proclaimed outside: "People, come perform the Janaazah Salaat of Suhail." Then Suhail died. When the people asked Ibn Mubaarak to explain how he knew of Suhail's imminent death, he said:"Suhail said today that young girls in my house were calling him. There are no young girls in my home. The Houris of Jannat were calling him. That was a sign of his imminent death."
10. One day Abdullah Ibn Mubaarak was travelling in the border territory of Byzantine. He came across a crown of people severely beating a man who was shackled. I went up to him and asked him for an explanation. He said: "According to our religion, it is not permissible to mention the name of our chief idol as long as one has not been purified of sins. I committed the error of taking its name without having been purified of my sins. I am therefore being punished. I also cannot cry because I fear the great idol."
Ibn Mubaarak commented: "Shukr unto Allah. Allah bestowed to me that religion in which a sinner is purified of sins by mentioning the Name of Allah. When he acquires Ma'rifat of Allah fully, he adopts silence."
11. Once during Jihaad, Ibn Mubaarak was engaged in combat with a kaafir. When it was time for Salaat, he sought permission from the kaafir to disengage until he ahd performed Salaat. The kaafir agreed and Ibn Mubaarak performed his Salaat. After Salaat the duel resumed. When it was the kaafir's prayer time, he sought Ibn Mubaarak's permission to say his prayers. Ibn Mubaarak agreed. While the kaafir was worshipping an idol, Ibn Mubaarak became enraged and decided to kill the kaafir forthwith but he heard a Voice reprimanding: "Beware! Think of the aayat: 'Honour promises. Verily, (you) will be questioned (in Qiyaamah) about promises.'
Ibn Mubaarak wept. When the kaafir completed his prayers, he asked Ibn Mubaarak the reason for weeping. Ibn Mubaarak explained. The kaafir said: "It is dishonourable not to worship a God who becomes annoyed with even His friend for the sake of an enemy." The kaafir then embraced Islam.
12. Ibn Mubaarak narrated:"I saw a man wanting to enter the Ka'bah. As he attempted, he fell down unconscious. On reviving, he recited Kalimah Shahaadat. When I asked him for an explanation, he said: "I was a fire-worshipper. I disguised myself to see what is in the Ka'bah. As I was about to enter, a Voice reprimanded: 'You are the enemy of a Friend. How can you enter the House of the Friend?' I then embraced Islam with a true heart."
13. People asked: "What is most beneficial for a man?"
Ibn Mubaarak: "Perfect intelligence."
People: "If he lacks perfect intelligence?"
Ibn Mubaarak: "Beautiful manners."
People: "If he lacks beautiful manners?"
Ibn Mubaarak: "Seeking advice from a kind brother."
People: "If he has no such brother?"
Ibn Mubaarak: "Then silence."
People: "If he is unable to remain silent?"
Ibn Mubaarak: "Then death is best for him."
14. Ibn Mubaarak said:
"Giving one dirham as Qardh-e-Hasnah is more meritorious than giving a thousand dirhams in charity."
Qardh-e-Hasnah means a beautiful loan, i.e. giving a loan to a person in difficulty and not pressing him for repayment.
"A man who takes even a shell from haraam wealth cannever be a mutawakkil (i.e. one who has tawakkul)."
"Tawakkul does not negate effort to earn. Both tawakkul and effort are acts of worship."
"Man tolerates disgrace in the pursuit of all worldly things."
"Piety brings a man in the protection of Allah."
"The reward of caring for one's wife and children and teaching them the Deen is greater than the reward of Jihaad."
"Behave humbly with those who occupy a lower level than you here on earth."
15. Before he died, Ibn Mubaarak gave all his wealth in the path of Allah. A mureed reminded him that he had three daughters and should leave something for them. Ibn Mubaarak said:
"I have left Allah for them. When Allah is the maintainer of a person, he has no need of Abdullah."
16. In his last moments, he opened his eyes, smiled and recited the Qur'aanic aayat:

"For the likes of this should people strive."
He closed his eyes and departed from this worldly abode.
17. Someone who saw Hadhrat Sufyaan Thauri in a dream asked: "How did Allah Ta'ala deal with you?" Sufyaan said: "Allah Ta'ala forgave me." When asked about the fate of Abdullah Ibn Mubaarak, Sufyaan Thauri said:"You ask about him? Allah has included him in that group of His devotees who are daily admitted twice into the Divine presence."