(In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.)

(We praise Allah, the Sublime, the Majestic, and pray for Allah's blessings on His noble Messenger).
Q. Who are angels?
Ans. Angels are the creation of Allah. They are made of light (NUR). They are invisible to us. They are neither male nor female. They do not disobey Allah and do not commit acts of sin. They are always busy doing the tasks that Allah has assigned to them.
Q. How many angels are there?
Ans. No one except Allah knows the exact number of the angels. We however know this much that the number of the angels is very large and that four of them are very well renowned and close to Allah.
Q. Who are those well renowned angels nearest to Allah?
Ans. The first one is Hadrat Jibril (Gabriel) who brought Allah’s messages, Scriptures and Commands to the prophets. The second is Hadrat Israfil who shall blow the trumpet on the Day of Judgment. The third is Hadrat Mika’il who is appointed to manage the rains and deliver livelihood to Allah’s creatures. The fourth is Hadrat Izra’il, appointed to take out the souls of allah’s creatures.
(The Divine Scriptures)
Q. What is the number of Divine Scriptures?
Ans. A number of Divine Books, big and small, were revealed to the prophets. The big ones are called the Books and the small ones are known as Scrolls (Sahifahs).
Q. What are the four famous Divine Books? Which prophets were they revealed to?
Ans. First TAURAT (TORAH) or the Old Testament which was revealed to Hadrat Musa (Moses (peace be on him). Second the Holy Zabur (Psalms) revealed to Hadrat Davud (David) (peace be on him). Third, INJIL (The New Testament) revealed to Hadrat’ ‘ISA (JESUS (Peace be on him) and fourth, the Holy QUR-AN, revealed to our Prophet Hadrat Muhammad (peace be on him).
Q. What is the number of the Divine Scrolls? Which prophets were they revealed to?
Ans. The exact number of the Divine Scrolls is not known. Nevertheless, some of them were revealed to Hadrat Adam (peace be on him), some to Hadrat Shith (peace be on him) and some to Hadrat Ibrahim (Abraham peace be on him). Apart from these, some more Scrolls were revealed to some other prophets.