1. Hadhrat Junaid Baghdaadi (rahmatullah alayh) said about Hadhrat Baayazid Bustaami (rahmatullah alayh):"His superiority over us is like Jibraeel's superiority over all the Angels."
In further praise of him, Hadhrat Junaid Baghdaadi said: "The highest stage of Tauhid which other Auliyaa attained by their endeavours is the elementary (first) stage produced by the effort of Baayazid. When they reached his elementary stage, they could not progress further, but became rooted in wonder and amazement."
In further praise of him, Hadhrat Junaid Baghdaadi said: "The highest stage of Tauhid which other Auliyaa attained by their endeavours is the elementary (first) stage produced by the effort of Baayazid. When they reached his elementary stage, they could not progress further, but became rooted in wonder and amazement."
2. His paternal grandfather was a Magian (fire-worshipper). However, his father was a great Wali and lived in Bustaam. His mother narrates: "While he was in my womb if a doubtful morsel of food entered my mouth, he would agitate so much that I would be compelled to remove it from my mouth."
3. Someone asked Baayazid Bustaami: "In Tariqat (the spiritual path) what is best for a man?"
He replied: "A pious mother. Then eyes which can see and ears which can hear. If a man does not possess even one of these, death is better for him."
He replied: "A pious mother. Then eyes which can see and ears which can hear. If a man does not possess even one of these, death is better for him."
4. Once in the Madrasah he came across the Qur'aanic aayat in Surah Luqmaan:
"Be grateful to Me and your parents."
He left the Madrasah, came home and said to his mother: "Mother, I am unable to show gratitude to two being. Either ask me from Allah to serve you or allow me to serve Allah."
His mother who was a very saintly lady said:
"I have assigned you to Allah. Serve Him."
Baayazid took leave from his mother and journied to the land of Shaam where he engrossed himself in Ibaadat and Thikr. For three years he wandered in the wilderness of Shaam, abandoning food, drink and sleep. He enjoyed the suhbat (companionship) of 170 Auliyaa.
"Be grateful to Me and your parents."
He left the Madrasah, came home and said to his mother: "Mother, I am unable to show gratitude to two being. Either ask me from Allah to serve you or allow me to serve Allah."
His mother who was a very saintly lady said:
"I have assigned you to Allah. Serve Him."
Baayazid took leave from his mother and journied to the land of Shaam where he engrossed himself in Ibaadat and Thikr. For three years he wandered in the wilderness of Shaam, abandoning food, drink and sleep. He enjoyed the suhbat (companionship) of 170 Auliyaa.
5. One day, after having spent a considerable period of time in Hadhrat Ja'far Saadiq's company, the latter said: "Baayazid, bring that kitaab from the shelf." Baayazid said: "Where is the shelf?" Hadhrat Ja'far: "You have been so long here, yet do not know where the shelf is." Baayazid: "I had never raised my head infront of you. I therefore do not know where the shelf is." Hadhrat Ja'far: "Now proceed to Bustaam. You have attained the lofty ranks."
6. When Baayazid was informed of a Wali, he went to meet him. On reaching the place, he saw the buzrug spitting in the direction of the Qiblah. Baayazid turned away without meeting the buzrug. He commented:"If he was aware of the stages of Tariqat, he would never have violated the Shariah by spitting in the direction of the Qiblah."
7. After a separation of many years, Baayazid decided to visit his mother. He first went to Madinah Munawwarah for ziyaarat. When he finally reached home it was Fajr time. Standing at the door of his mother's hamlet, he could hear her making wudhu. He listened and heard her supplicating: "O Allah! Keep my wayfarer in comfort. Let the Auliyaa be pleased with him. Give him a beautiful reward." Baayazid broke down in tears and knocked in the door. His mother asked: "Who is it?" He said: "Your wayfarer." Embracing him, she said:"You stayed away a long, long time. The tears I have shed for your love has taken away the light of my eyes (she had become blind). Worry has bent my back."
8. He said: "The ranks I have achieved are the fruit of my mother's duas." One night his mother asked for water. There was no water in the house. It was an extremely cold night. The young Baayazid (then a boy of 8) went to the river to fetch some water. The river was at a distance from the house. By the time he returned, his mother had fallen asleep. Not wanting to disturb his mother, he stood at her bedside holding the mug of water least his mother opened her eyes. The entire night passed with Baayazid waiting with the mug in his hand. On account of the extreme cold, the water had frozen. When his mother awoke, she was deeply touched by her son's devotion and obedience. The dua which emanated from her heart reached its target in the Divine Court.
9. The following episode illustrates the tenderness of his heart and the affection for Allah's creation. On his return from Hajj, he purchased some food in the city of Hamdaan. When he reached his home and opened the parcel he found some ants. He lamented: "Alas! I have rendered them homeless." He closed the parcel and returned to Hamdaan where he set the ants free at the place where he had bought the food.
10. At the door of the Musjid, Baayazid Bustaami was found weeping. When questioned, he said: "I find myself as impure as a woman in her haidh. I fear that my presence will pollute the Musjid."
11. Once in a state of ecstasy, Baayazid uttered: "Glory to me. Great is my rank." Later when he was questioned by his mureeds, he said: "If I again make this utterance, slay me." When he went into solitude, he was again overwhelmed by ecstasy and he repeated the same words. His mureeds rushed into the room with the intention of slaying him as commanded. On entering the room, to their amazement they discovered the whole room was filled with Baayazid's form. The mureeds struck their daggers at this form. But it was as if they were striking water. The daggers had no effect on Baayazid Bustaami.
After some time, the huge form began diminishing until the original form of Baayazid appeared.
After some time, the huge form began diminishing until the original form of Baayazid appeared.
12. One day Baayazid holding a red apple in his hand, commented: "This is lateef." (Lateef literally means nice, beautiful, fine.) A Voice reprimanded: "Baayazid! Have you no shame? You have described an apple with My Name." (Al-Lateef is one of the Beautiful Names of Allah Ta'ala.) As a punishment for this error, the remembrance of Allah was effaced from Baayazid Bustaami's heart for forty days. He vowed never to eat any of the fruit of Bustaam.
13. Hadhrat Abu Musaa (rahmatullah alayh) asked: "In your quest for Allah, what did you find the most difficult?" Baayazid Bustaami said: "The most difficult was to incline the heart to Allah with His aid. When I gained His aid, my heart inclined to Him without my effort."
14. Once while walking, a dog approached from the opposite side. Baayazid stepped aside to make way for the dog. This action constrained the disciples to also make way for the dog. A disciple asked: "Allah Ta'ala has made man the noblest creation. However, by making way for the dog you have elevated it over us. This is irrational and in conflict with the Shariah. Baayazid Bustaami said: "The dog asked me: 'Why did Allah make me a dog and you the king of the Aarifeen? What was my fault and what was your excellence?' I searched my heart and understood that our superiority over the dog is purely the kindness of Allah Ta'ala. I therefore made way for the dog."
15. One day while crossing a narrow bridge, a dog approached from the other side. To avoid brushing against the dog, Baayazid pulled his cloak towards himself. The dog spoke: "Why did you do this? If I am dry, there is no harm in your garment touching me. If I am moist, a little water can cleanse your cloak. But, even the seven oceans cannot purify you of your pride. Baayazid said: "You have spoken the truth. While there is zaahiri (external) impurity in you, there is baatini (spiritual) impurity in me. Come live with me so that I may be purified."
The dog: "We cannot live together. You are the Maqbool (accepted and honoured) leader of mankind while I am mardood (accursed and buffered). Secondly, I do not hoard a bone for the next day while you hoard food for tomorrow." Baayazid lamented: "Alas! When I am not deserving of the company of even a dog, how can I gain Allah's Proximity?"
The dog: "We cannot live together. You are the Maqbool (accepted and honoured) leader of mankind while I am mardood (accursed and buffered). Secondly, I do not hoard a bone for the next day while you hoard food for tomorrow." Baayazid lamented: "Alas! When I am not deserving of the company of even a dog, how can I gain Allah's Proximity?"
16. A mureed of Hadhrat Shafeeq Balkhi (rahmatullah alayh) set off for Hajj. On his way he stopped in Bustaam to visit Baayazid Bustaami.
Baayazid: "Whose mureed are you?"
Mureed: "Hadhrat Shafeeq Balkhi's."
Baayazid: "Tell me something of his actions and statements."
Mureed: "He is completely independent of entire creation. He has total trust in Allah Ta'ala. He says: "If rain does not descend from the heaven; grain ceases to grow from the earth and creation becomes my children, then too I shall not abandon tawakkul."
Baayazid: "He is a kaafir and a mushrik. Even if I become a crow, I shall not face the direction of his city. Tell him that he is testing Allah Ta'ala very cheaply. If he is hungry, let him beg from someone and eat. He should not disgrace tawakkul. I fear that perhaps the land be destroyed on account of his evil."
(Hadhrat Shafeeq Balkhi – rahmatullah alayh – was among the Auliyaa. Even Auliyaa are sometimes deceived by the nafs. Ujub [vanity] is a very subtle and hidden disease. It is not everyone who has the ability to detect this evil, especially if it happens to be existing in a great Shaikh of Hadhrat Shafeeq Balkhi's stature. It requires a spiritual giant such as Baayazid Bustaami to diagnose the ills of illustrious spiritual guides.
It should also be understood that the terms 'kaafir' and 'mushrik' employed by Baayazid Bustaami in this context do not connate the technical meaning as known in the Shariah. Actions and things permissible for the masses can be major sins if perpetrated by the select Auliyaa. Baayazid's designations here should not be understood as fatwas of kufr expelling Hadhrat Shafeeq Balkhi from the fold of Islam. The Auliyaa who are the true Aarifeen, operate on an exceptionally lofty spiritual plane, the conception of which is incomprehensible to us laymen.)
Baayazid: "Whose mureed are you?"
Mureed: "Hadhrat Shafeeq Balkhi's."
Baayazid: "Tell me something of his actions and statements."
Mureed: "He is completely independent of entire creation. He has total trust in Allah Ta'ala. He says: "If rain does not descend from the heaven; grain ceases to grow from the earth and creation becomes my children, then too I shall not abandon tawakkul."
Baayazid: "He is a kaafir and a mushrik. Even if I become a crow, I shall not face the direction of his city. Tell him that he is testing Allah Ta'ala very cheaply. If he is hungry, let him beg from someone and eat. He should not disgrace tawakkul. I fear that perhaps the land be destroyed on account of his evil."
(Hadhrat Shafeeq Balkhi – rahmatullah alayh – was among the Auliyaa. Even Auliyaa are sometimes deceived by the nafs. Ujub [vanity] is a very subtle and hidden disease. It is not everyone who has the ability to detect this evil, especially if it happens to be existing in a great Shaikh of Hadhrat Shafeeq Balkhi's stature. It requires a spiritual giant such as Baayazid Bustaami to diagnose the ills of illustrious spiritual guides.
It should also be understood that the terms 'kaafir' and 'mushrik' employed by Baayazid Bustaami in this context do not connate the technical meaning as known in the Shariah. Actions and things permissible for the masses can be major sins if perpetrated by the select Auliyaa. Baayazid's designations here should not be understood as fatwas of kufr expelling Hadhrat Shafeeq Balkhi from the fold of Islam. The Auliyaa who are the true Aarifeen, operate on an exceptionally lofty spiritual plane, the conception of which is incomprehensible to us laymen.)
The mureed, instead of proceeding for Hajj, returned to his Shaikh and reported the comments of Baayazid Bustaami. After prolonged reflection, Hadhrat Shafeeq Balkhi recognized the spiritual ailment to which Baayazid Bustaami had referred. He said to his mureed: "Did you not ask him – 'If Shafeeq Balkhi is a kaafir and mushrik, then what is your status?" The mureed said: "I did not ask him." The Shaikh sent him back to Baayazid with the instruction to pose this question to him. On arrival, the mureed asked Baayazid: "If Shafeeq Balkhi is a kaafir and mushrik, then who are you?" Baayazid: "This question is his second act of childishness. Whatever I say, you will not understand."
Mureed: "Write it on a paper."
Baayazid wrote:
"Baayazid is nothing." He gave the paper to the mureed who delivered it to Shafeeq Balkhi. When the mureed arrived, Shafeeq Balkhi was in his last illness (maradhul maut). After reading Baayazid's message, Shafeeq Balkhi renewed his Imaan. He recited Kalimah Shahaadat and died.
Mureed: "Write it on a paper."
Baayazid wrote:

17. One night Baayazid was unable to concentrate in his ibaadat. Inspite of his endeavours, he simply could not experience the usual sweetness of his ibaadat. After searching his house, he found a bunch of grapes. He gave it to a beggar. Thereafter he experienced the pleasure of Thikrullah. In view of the lofty state of tawakkul of the Auliyaa, even lawful possessions adversely affect their spirituality. While ordinary people are not required to imitate such austerity which is exclusive with the select Auliyaa, it is imperative to at least abstain from mushtabah (doubtful) food and futile acts. Such things and acts are highly detrimental for Roohaani (spiritual) progress.
18. One of Baayazid's neighbours was a very poor Yahoodi (Jew). Once the Yahoodi went on a journey. Due to extreme poverty his wife could not afford buying oil for the lamp. Since the house was in pitch darkness during the night, the Yahoodi's baby son would cry in fear. Taking pity, Baayazid left his own lamp every night in the Yahoodi's home. The baby would feel comforted. When the Yahoodi returned, his wife told him of Baayazid's kindness. The Yahoodi said: "Alas! We have lived in darkness despite such a noble guide living nearby." He went to Baayazid and embraced Islam.
19. Once Baayazid Bustaami stretched his legs. A man contemptuously tramped on him. Allah Ta'ala punished the man with the disease of leprosy which led to his death.
20. A man said boastfully: "I too can do what Baayazid does (i.e. his ibaadat)." Once when he visited Baayazid, the latter looked at him and sighed. The impact of Baayazid's sigh rendered the man unconscious. He remained in this state for three days and three nights. After he regained his senses, Baayazid said: "An ass cannot carry the load of an elephant."
21. Hadhrat Bu Saeed Maikhori (rahmatullah alayh) decided to test Baayazid Bustaami. With this thought in mind he met Baayazid who said: "I have assigned wilaayat (sainthood) and karaamaat (miracles) to my mureed, Bu Saeed Raa-ee. Go to him."
When Bu Saeed Maikhori arrived at the home of Bu Saeed Raa-ee, he found the latter engaged in Salaat. After completing Salaat, Bu Saeed asked: "What do you want?" Bu Saeed Maikhori said: "I want fresh grapes." It was not the season for grapes. Bu Saeed Raa-ee broke a knife into two, buried one portion near to himself and the other portion near to Bu Saeed Maikhori. Instantaneously, two grape vines began growing. The vines simultaneously yielded fruit. While the grapevine in proximity to Bu Saeed Raa-ee produced delicious white grapes, the tree near to Bu Saeed Maikhori yielded dark grapes of poor quality. When he asked for an explanation, Bu Saeed Raa-ee said: "Since your intention was to put us to test, your heart's condition has become manifest in the grapes."
Bu Saeed Raa-ee then presented a shawl to him, adding: "Guard it well. Don't lose it." Bu Saeed Maikhori proceeded for Hajj. Although he took great care to guard the shawl, he lost it in Arafaat. When he returned to Bustaam, he was amazed to see the shawl by Bu Saeed Raa-ee.
When Bu Saeed Maikhori arrived at the home of Bu Saeed Raa-ee, he found the latter engaged in Salaat. After completing Salaat, Bu Saeed asked: "What do you want?" Bu Saeed Maikhori said: "I want fresh grapes." It was not the season for grapes. Bu Saeed Raa-ee broke a knife into two, buried one portion near to himself and the other portion near to Bu Saeed Maikhori. Instantaneously, two grape vines began growing. The vines simultaneously yielded fruit. While the grapevine in proximity to Bu Saeed Raa-ee produced delicious white grapes, the tree near to Bu Saeed Maikhori yielded dark grapes of poor quality. When he asked for an explanation, Bu Saeed Raa-ee said: "Since your intention was to put us to test, your heart's condition has become manifest in the grapes."
Bu Saeed Raa-ee then presented a shawl to him, adding: "Guard it well. Don't lose it." Bu Saeed Maikhori proceeded for Hajj. Although he took great care to guard the shawl, he lost it in Arafaat. When he returned to Bustaam, he was amazed to see the shawl by Bu Saeed Raa-ee.
22. Someone asked Baayazid Bustaami: "Who is your murshid (spiritual mentor)?" He said: "An old lady. Once I was walking in the forest when I met an old lady carrying a load of flour on her head. She requested me to carry her load to her home. I beckoned to a lion which had suddenly appeared, and it submissively came near. I told the old lady that the lion will carry her load until her home. I then asked her what would she say when people observed the lion carrying her load. She replied: "I shall say that today I met an oppressor who was showing off."
I said: "Why will you described me as an oppressor showing off?" The old lady said: "Allah Ta'ala has created the lion free, but you want to impose a burden on it, hence you are an oppressor. Secondly, you wish to advertise that you are a holy man capable of demonstrating miracles. This is the worst disease. You are therefore nothing but a show-off."
Baayazid said: "This naseehat of the old lady impressed me. I learnt a lesson and repented. She is therefore my mentor."
I said: "Why will you described me as an oppressor showing off?" The old lady said: "Allah Ta'ala has created the lion free, but you want to impose a burden on it, hence you are an oppressor. Secondly, you wish to advertise that you are a holy man capable of demonstrating miracles. This is the worst disease. You are therefore nothing but a show-off."
Baayazid said: "This naseehat of the old lady impressed me. I learnt a lesson and repented. She is therefore my mentor."
23. Baayazid said: "Tariqat cannot be obtained without obedience to the Shariah. He who claims to be on Tariqat without following the Shariah, is a liar."
24. Baayazid said: "It was revealed to me – "Our treasury is filled with ibaadat. If you wish to meet Us, present such treasures which are not in Our treasury." I asked: 'O Allah! What is lacking in Your treasury?'
The reply came: "Humility and weakness. We grant proximity to the humble and weak."
The reply came: "Humility and weakness. We grant proximity to the humble and weak."
25. He said:
"Superior to the bounties of both worlds is the understanding that without Allah's kindness, one cannot achieve anything merely by effort and concern. Nevertheless, man has been commanded to make effort. Whatever goodness is achieved after effort should be attributed to the fadhl (kindness) of Allah Ta'ala."
"Even if Allah forgives me and entire creation, it is insignificant in relation to His mercy."
"To become proud on account of ibaadat is a major sin of great proportion."
"When I renounced the world and adopted Allah's love, I realised that even my own being was an enemy."
"A true Aarif is one who renounces all wishes and desires, and is pleased with the choice of Allah Ta'ala."
"He who annihilates himself in Allah's remembrance, discovers the eternal life."
"A man who flees from people and adopts silence is an Aarif."
"Do not adopt the companionship of a man who has acquired knowledge for the sake of worldly honour."
"It is simple to renounce the world, for there is nothing more contemptible than it."
"Allah Ta'ala bestows three attributes to His close servants:
a) Generosity like the ocean.
b) Love like the sun.
c) Humility like the ground.
"When Allah accepts a servant, He appoints a Fir'oun to distress him (Allah's servant)."
"The company of the pious is better than pious deeds and the company of the evil is worse than evil deeds."
"A man who recognizes Allah has no need to ask from anyone. Whoever has not recognized him is always in need."
"He who abandons his lowly desires, reaches Allah."
"All creation submits to the one who has reached Allah."
"A man who does not understand that his nafs is the most contemptible, has absolutely no rank in piety."
"When a man becomes aware of his fault, he attains excellence."
"When a man disassociates from people, Allah presents His Qurb (Proximity) to him."
"The worst calamity for the body is to become forgetful of Allah Ta'ala."
"I asked Allah for the way to enter into His path. He said: "Abandon your ego and you can enter."
"Superior to the bounties of both worlds is the understanding that without Allah's kindness, one cannot achieve anything merely by effort and concern. Nevertheless, man has been commanded to make effort. Whatever goodness is achieved after effort should be attributed to the fadhl (kindness) of Allah Ta'ala."
"Even if Allah forgives me and entire creation, it is insignificant in relation to His mercy."
"To become proud on account of ibaadat is a major sin of great proportion."
"When I renounced the world and adopted Allah's love, I realised that even my own being was an enemy."
"A true Aarif is one who renounces all wishes and desires, and is pleased with the choice of Allah Ta'ala."
"He who annihilates himself in Allah's remembrance, discovers the eternal life."
"A man who flees from people and adopts silence is an Aarif."
"Do not adopt the companionship of a man who has acquired knowledge for the sake of worldly honour."
"It is simple to renounce the world, for there is nothing more contemptible than it."
"Allah Ta'ala bestows three attributes to His close servants:
a) Generosity like the ocean.
b) Love like the sun.
c) Humility like the ground.
"When Allah accepts a servant, He appoints a Fir'oun to distress him (Allah's servant)."
"The company of the pious is better than pious deeds and the company of the evil is worse than evil deeds."
"A man who recognizes Allah has no need to ask from anyone. Whoever has not recognized him is always in need."
"He who abandons his lowly desires, reaches Allah."
"All creation submits to the one who has reached Allah."
"A man who does not understand that his nafs is the most contemptible, has absolutely no rank in piety."
"When a man becomes aware of his fault, he attains excellence."
"When a man disassociates from people, Allah presents His Qurb (Proximity) to him."
"The worst calamity for the body is to become forgetful of Allah Ta'ala."
"I asked Allah for the way to enter into His path. He said: "Abandon your ego and you can enter."
26. After Baayazid's demise a buzrug saw him in a dream. The buzrug asked how he had fared by Allah Ta'ala. Baayazid said: "Allah Ta'ala asked: "What have you brought for Me?" I said: "Tauhid." Allah Ta'ala asked: "Have you forgotten the night of the milk?" Baayazid then realised that even his lofty degree of Tauhid too was defective.
Explanation: One night after having drunk some milk, Baayazid developed a pain in his stomach. He concluded that the stomach-pain was due to the milk. Allah Ta'ala referred to this idea which attributes effects to causes other than Allah Ta'ala. He is the Sole Cause. All things are intermediaries operating by His direct command and intervention. Although it is permissible to attribute events to their mundane causes created by Allah Ta'ala, Auliyaa of Hadhrat Baayazid's standing and Ma'rifat are not expected to demonstrate the slightest forgetfulness of Allah Ta'ala. The attribution of events to their mundane causes or intermediaries by the Auliyaa constitute 'shirk' in the religion of Ma'rifat.
27. Hadhrat Ahmad Khadrawi's wife said: "Let me tell you of the rank of Baayazid. Once after making tawaaf of the Ka'bah, I fell asleep. In a dream I saw myself near to the Divine Arsh (Allah's Throne). Below the Arsh I beheld a wonderful orchard in which was a thousand flower-trees. On every leaf and petal was inscribed:
Insert Arabic (Baayazid Wali Allah)
Baayazid is the Wali of Allah."
Insert Arabic (Baayazid Wali Allah)
Baayazid is the Wali of Allah."
28. In a dream someone asked Baayazid Bustaami to define Tasawwuf. He said: "Tasawwuf is abandonment of comfort and adoption of struggle."
This abandonment and adoption have a variety of degree and phases. The very minimum degree which is compulsory on every Muslim is to abandon all unlawful and futile comforts and to struggle against the evil dictates of the nafs.
This abandonment and adoption have a variety of degree and phases. The very minimum degree which is compulsory on every Muslim is to abandon all unlawful and futile comforts and to struggle against the evil dictates of the nafs.