Lesson No 16

Q. What do we mean by the Islamic practices?
Ans. The first of the five basic elements of Islam is IMAN. It has been discussed under the heading “Islamic Beliefs” in Section I. The remaining four, Salat, Alms, Fasting in the Holy month of Ramadan and Hajj (pilgrimage to Ka’bah) are regarded as Islamic Parctices or Holy Acts. The Second Section deals with Salat.
Q. What is Salat?
Ans. Salat is a particular way of worshipping Allah and offering devotions to Him which Allah and His Prophet (peace be upon him) have taught us.
Q. What are the pre-requisites of Salat?
Ans. There are seven pre-requisites of Salat. These are the necessary conditions of Salat and therefore obligatory duties.
Q. What are the seven pre-requisites of Salat?
Ans. These are: (1) the body being clean; (2) the clothes being clean; (3) the place being clean; (4) the Satr (parts of the body ordained to be covered) being covered; (5) it being a permissible time for Salat; (6) the face being turned towards Qiblah, and (7) there being intention to pray.
Q. What do we mean by the body being clean?
Ans. The body being clean means that the body should be completely free from uncleanness (Najasah).
Q. How many kinds of uncleanness (Najasah) are there?
Ans. Uncleanness is of two kinds:
(1) Visible (Haqiqiy-yah),
(2) Invisible (Hukmiy-yah.)
Q. What is visible uncleanness (Najash Haqiqiy-yah)?
Ans. Visible uncleanness is one that can be verified by the senses, such as urine, excrement, blood and wine.
Q. What is invisible uncleanness (Najasah Hukmiy-yah)?
Ans. The invisible uncleanness is one that is so decreed by Allah, although not perceived by the senses, as the state of being without ablution or one’s being in need of bath commanded by allah.
Q. Of which uncleanness (Najasah) must the body of a Muslim be free before he can offer Salat?
Ans. One must be free of either type of uncleanness if one is to offer Salat?
Q. What types of Invisible Uncleanness (Najasah Hukmiy-yah) are there?
Ans. It is of two types: (1) Hadath Asghar or Minor Uncleanness, and (2) Hadath Akbar or Major Uncleanness (Janabah).
Q. What is the way to secure cleanness from the Minor Invisible Uncleanness?
Ans. Ablution cleanses the body from the Minor Invisible Uncleanness (Najasah Huk-miy-yah).