(In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.)

(We praise Allah, the Sublime, the Majestic, and pray for Allah's blessings on His noble Messenger).
Q who created you?
Ans. Allah created us, our parents, the heavens the earth and all other things.
Q how did Allah create the word?
Ans. he created it by his might and decree.
Q What do we call those who do not believe in Allah?
Ans. They are called Kafirs (unbelievers).
Q some people worship objects other than Allah or believe in two or three gods. What are such people called?
Ans. Such people are called Kafirs (unbelievers) or Mushriks (polytheists).
Q Will the polytheists attain Salvation?
Ans. The polytheists shall, never attain salration. They shall, instead, be doomed to eternal punishment and affliction.
Q Who was Hadrat Muhammad (peace be up on him)?
Ans. Muhammad (peace be up on him) was Allah's servant, His Messenger and Prophet.We, Muslims, are his followers or community (Um-mah).
Q Where was our prophet (peace be on him) born?
Ans. He was born in the holy city of Macca in Arabia.
Q What were the names of his father and grandfather?
Ans. 'Abdual-lah was the name of his revered father and that of his grandfather was 'Abdul-Mut-talib.
Q What is the status of our Prophet among other prophets?
Ans. Our prophet occupies the highest place among the prophets and is the exalted of all Allah's creation.
Q Where did Hadrat Muhammad (peace be on him) live throughout his life?
Ans. He lived in the holly city of Macca up to the age of fifty-three (53). Thereafter, in obedience to the command of Allah, he migrated to the holy city of Medina. He lived there for ten years and passed away at the age of 63.
Q What do we call the one who does not believe in HadratMuhammad (peace be on him)?
Ans.He who refuses to believe Hadrat Muhammad (peace be on him) to be the prophet of Allah is a Kafir.
Q What is the meaning of belief in Hadrat Muhammad (peace be up on him)?
Ans. The meaning of belief in Hadrat Muhammad (peace be on him) is that one should believe Hadrat Muhammad (peace be on him) to be the Messenger of Allah and considering him to be the most distinguished of all the creatures of Allah. One should also love him and follow his commands.
Q How do we know that Hadrat Muhammad (peace be on him)is the prophet of Allah?
Ans. We know that he is the prophet of Allah form his noble actions, good deeds and appealing preaching. Such things cannot come from anyone except the prophet of Allah.
Q How do we know that the Holy Quran is the Book of Allah?
Ans. Muhammad (peace be on him) said that the Holly Quran is the Book of Allah Who revealed it to him.
Q Was the whole of the Quran revealed to the prophet at one time or bit by bit?
Ans. It was revealed bit by bit according to needs of the time. Sometimes one verse, sometime two or three verses (ayahs) and sometimes the whole of the chapter (Surah) was revealed.
Q How long did the revelation of the whole of the Holy Quran take?
Ans. It took twenty-three (23) years.
Q. How was he Holy Quran revealed ?
Ans. Hadrat Jibril (Gabriel) came to him. He recited the verse or the verses or the whole chapter to the Holy Prophet (peace be on him) The Holy prophet (peace be on him) memorized it, then the dictated it to some literate person who committed it to writing.
Q. Why did he not write it himself?
Ans. It is because he was unlettered (Um-mi).
Q. What is an Um-mi?
Ans. Um-mi is one who has not learnt how to read and write from anyone. The Holy Prophet did not learn how to read and write from anyone, but Allah bestowed the profoundest knowledge upon him.
Q. Who Hadrat Jibril
Ans. Hadrat Jibril is an angel. He carried the orders of Al-lah to the Holy Prophet.
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