
This word ‘dua’ could be roughly translated to mean supplication or invocation. It is conversatin between you and Allah(subhana wa ta'ala) our Creator, our Lord, the All Knowing, and the All Powerful.
we can ask Allah(subhana wa ta'ala) what ever we want except that is doesn't given permission in islam

Masnoon Dua:masnoon dua means

Some Important Masnoon dua that every muslim should know:

Dua before sleep:


Dua After  sleep:

Dua/prayer before Eating:

Dua/Prayer if  one forget the dua before eating:

Dua/prayer After eating an invitation

Dua/prayer At time of entering the House:

Dua/prayer coming out of House :

Dua/prayer before entering into mosque/masjid :

Dua/prayer while exit from mosque/masjid


Dua/prayer Before entering toilet:

Dua/prayer After coming out from toilet:

Dua/prayer for while dressing:


Dua/Prayer  for Thanking  to those who does favor: